Virtual HR Tools

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the way we do business today. The massive shift to remote, online work has forced companies to utilize virtual tools at an unprecedented rate. While many companies were already trending to work-at-home opportunities as a perk for employees, the use and demand for virtual technologies has never been higher. Despite this disruption, a survey conducted at Chegg found that 86% of workers have found their productivity to be just as good or even better than when they worked in offices. Videoconferencing tools have enabled employees to stay connected and maintain workflow continuity. Collaboration software such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Cisco Webex and Slack have supported the communication needs of teams while they are physically apart. These benefits have made some companies consider making remote, virtual teams a long-term or even permanent part of their structure.

How does virtual work impact HR processes?

Recruiting processes have been shifting to virtual tools for some time and HR professionals have found that interviewing by video is not that different than in person. Virtual career fairs have been a challenge but are also seen as a tremendous asset. Much of onboarding had also previously moved online for larger companies, but has posed a bigger problem for smaller companies.  Challenges for Virtual HR processes include performance management feedback, which some employees feel has dropped considerably. Learning and development professionals have been scrambling to provide learning solutions virtually. Overall, HR is facing the need to develop new technology competencies to serve the evolving needs of the organization.

What Virtual HR tools are available?

Virtual HR refers to a range of technologies that connect employees directly with HR systems to provide self-service options and assist the HR department with automation of daily tasks such as information dissemination, payroll, administration, and much more. Below is a list of Virtual HR tools to check out.

  • Workable – Visual pipelines for applicant tracking
  • Any Perk – Rewards and perks for employees
  • BambooHR – A centralized database for time management and benefits
  • SuitHR – HR platform for a variety of needs including communication and training
  • Benefit Focus – Management and delivery of benefits

These are just a few of the many Virtual HR tools available on the market today. To see how much you know about Virtual HR technology, see if you can answer the question below. The correct answer will be revealed in our upcoming newsletter.

Which of the following statements about Virtual HR is false?

  1. Cost is considered the main deterrent to investing in technology
  2. Virtual Talent Management tools continue to grow and proliferate
  3. Job seekers find online application processes both simple and smooth
  4. HR professionals believe that HR technologies enhance employee engagement


Maurer, Roy. October 19, 2020, HR Went Remote in 2020 with Array of Virtual Tools,

Walton, Mary. N.D., Best online tools for HR management,



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